cute background..

cute background..

November 28, 2010

HeAltH eFfEcTs oF UsInG mObIlE PhOnEs !

    Mobile phones have become a necessity in our life.With its advent,people can now talk to each other almost anywhere.Children also like to carry these as the phones have various facilities  and also they provide satisfaction to their parents.

   These mobile phone use electromagnetic waves to works,which are harmful for the body,Using a mobile is very dangerous if used continuosly for more than 1.5 years

   Radiations fron the mobile can cause headache,rashes on fingers and ears and severe problems like memory loss,cancel,brain tumor or even leukimea.Many of these diseases are incurable.If the mobile is kept in vibration mode and near to body it can affect the internal body part s also.Mobile on your belt case can affect your liver and kidney.When kept in shirt pocket ,can affect the herat and cause arrhythmic heart beat.While talking on the phones it is placed near to your ears,which can affect the nerves of the ears that can lead to phones when used by a pregnent lady may affect the fetus.

  Children too get many harmful effects by using the gadgets.As they have thin layers of the skin on the skull,radiations fromd use the mobile phones can damage their brain more easily,which can cause memory loss.So we shold not allow our children to us these phone and teach them their disadvantages.

  Some easy tips can said you from all the complications coused by the use of mobile phone.Always keep your mobile phone in your pants pocket and not in shirt as it save your heart.A also,avoid using phone vibration mode and use hands free and lougspeakers as and when possible.Avoid overuss of mobile phone and use landline phones instead.Buy a mobile of a reputes company and rectify the faulthy mobile as soon as possible.There is not serious evidence to show that this mobile phones are seriously and save.But studies are being made to prove tham right.